Experience the original PEAR mind-over-matter experiments yourself!

Dear Friend,

If you’re still thinking about whether or not to come to our Broughton Hall ‘Heal Your Past’ retreat, I have one very good reason for you to make the trip.

You’ll have an opportunity to see and experience for yourself all the extraordinary and historic Princeton PEAR mind-over-matter research.

The magnificent 3000-acre 16th century estate where we’re holding our retreat is also now the permanent home of the Princeton PEAR research equipment!

What’s more, one of the scientists who has been instrumental in getting the equipment to work again will demonstrate all the equipment to you.

You’ll even have the opportunity to try the equipment out for yourself!

As I wrote about in my books The Field and The Intention Experiment, the late psychologist Brenda Dunne and former dean of engineering Dr Robert Jahn led what became a massive international effort to demonstrate the effect of mind on random-event generators (REGs), which perform the electronic, twenty-first century equivalent of a toss of a coin, with entirely random output.

In all the studies, student volunteers would be placed in front of the equipment and asked to try to influence the machines in a certain direction.

The most common configuration of the REG experiments was a computer screen randomly alternating two attractive images – say, of cowboys and Indians – and participants would use their mental influence to produce more images of Indians, say, than cowboys.

But these REG machines took many other forms: a set of lights, a fountain, a little frog on top of a small machine, even ‘Murphy,’ a giant installation of slots with balls that would, at the push of a button, cascade into a normal bell curve – unless a volunteer intended the balls to shift more to the left or right.

With all the equipment, the volunteers would be asked to use their thoughts to will the machines to go in a different direction.

Lynne and Brenda Dunne in November 2021, when the PEAR equipment was first set up in Broughton.

Over the course of more than two and a half million trials Jahn and Dunne decisively demonstrated that human intention can influence these electronic devices in the direction specified, and their results were replicated independently by 68 investigators.

Some of this research was also done ‘backward’ in time – with the same astonishing results!

The PEAR lab closed in 2007 and most of the extraordinary equipment Jahn and Dunne had created went into a storage facility. There it stayed until Peter Merry, founder of Ubiquity University, got the idea of providing a permanent facility where new generations could learn about this work.

He arranged to transplant all the equipment, down to the original sofa from the PEAR lab, to an outbuilding at Broughton Hall, and created a special museum, renamed as the ‘Wyrd Experience,’ after the beliefs of ancient Anglo-Saxons about mystical occurrences.

Engineers then worked with Brenda Dunne’s son Dr Jeff Dunne, chief scientist at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, the son of Brenda Dunne, and chairman of the board of the International Consciousness Research Laboratories, founded by Jahn and Dunne, to get the equipment up and running again.

Anyone coming to our ‘Heal Your Past’ Broughton retreat will be treated to a special talk and demonstration by Peter Merry and me. You’ll also be able to test out some of the equipment for yourself. 

Be prepared to be blown away by the actual evidence that human consciousness is able to access information beyond the conventional bounds of time and space!

The PEAR experience was one of the highlights of last year’s retreat, and will be for you too, if you join us this year.

This equipment and Peter’s long experience with the art and science of intention will convince you that the power of intention is not woo-woo, but has the power, proven by science, to change you, heal your past – even change the world.

But there are just a few places left in Broughton Hall itself, so if you want to experience the PEAR research for yourself, please ACT NOW to avoid disappointment. A £500 deposit now secures your place in the historic hall itself and this once-in-a-lifetime event!